Luciana's Giardiniera 500ml

Luciana's Giardiniera 500ml

Rich Giardiniera

A richer, more sapid fusion of flavours. After the vegetables have been cut by hand and cooked separately, they are left in a sweet and sour marinade and then put in jars along with mixed oil.


Luciana's Giardiniera 500 ml
vegetables in varying proportions: (carrots, fennel, CELERY, cauliflowers, red peppers, yellow peppers, white onions (naturally containing SULPHITES), sunflower oil, extra virgin olive oil, white wine vinegar, water, whole Sea salt, sugar.

How to use

A versatile product, perfect for a tasty aperitif or with cold cuts and cheese. Outstanding with oven-baked fish and salads.

How to keep it

Store it in a cool place away from sources of light. Pasteurized product.

Sold out
€ 17,00
€ 17,00
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